最初のカメラ 続編 - My first camera (cont.)

メーカーは同じ、OlympusOM-D E-M5です(以下E-M5)。GRとの出逢いを書いたノートにも登場しています。時は前回の「最初のカメラ」から十年ほど経ち、社会人となって初めて自分の給料で買ったのがこのE-M5でした。なんとも初々しい内容ですが、それだけにこの一機にも大切な思い出が詰まっています。

Olympus OM-D E-M5とレンズ

Olympus OM-D E-M5とレンズ



ちなみにE-M5と合わせて利用していたのは購入当時のキットレンズであったM.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 12-50mm F3.5-6.3EZというレンズです。今でこそOM-Dシリーズの実力を最大限に引き出すM.ZUIKOのPROシリーズがありますが(素敵なレンズばかりです)、これはこれで十分に楽しめました。焦点距離は35㎜換算で24-100mmなのでストリートスナップには使いやすく、マクロ撮影モードも備えていたため幅広いジャンルにも挑戦できました。



Continuing from previous note, here is another camera that has a special meaning for me.
From same manufacturer, I’m writing about the Olympus OM-D E-M5, also mentioned in chapter [How I met the GR].
Time jumps around ten years from last [My first camera], when started working and finally could buy a camera by my own effort.

The Olympus OM-D E-M5 with some lenses

The Olympus OM-D E-M5 with some lenses

Now a days the OM-D series has became a representing model of Olympus, but the E-M5 was the very first one in this series released in 2012. Although micro 4/3 system MILC were already available in the market, I think that the real boom started close to that year. And so I was convinced to get my own.
The E-M5 has been special for me not only because of being “my first camera”, but also because it was the camera that deeply influenced in my photography style construction. The base of my street photography was born from the E-M5.

My life changed significantly in 2012. I started my career, and I started living in Tokyo. I won’t write much in detail in this note, but I clearly remember how fascinating the Tokyo streets were for me (they still are), and how it moved me to walk and shoot restless with my E-M5 in hand. Photography is about reality, and reality is in the streets. The seeds of my motto were planted in days like those.

Not to forget the used lens. I mainly used the kit lens M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 12-50mm F3.5-6.3EZ. Now you can find brilliant lenses for the OM-D series like M.ZUIKO PRO lenses, but in that time I was fine with what I had. 35mm equivalent focal length to 24-100mm, which is pretty good for doing street snap. And it also has a built in macro mode switch button, so I could really explore variety of genres.

Finally but not the least, I liked very much the black and white monochrome tones I could get with the E-M5. Five years since I bought and unfortunately the software is full of bugs and hard to use, but I need to and I will keep this camera with me forever.

Closing this note with some street snaps taken with the E-M5, hope you enjoy.